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Thesis and Dissertation Assistance

How To Videos

A series of video guides have been created to assist you with the thesis/dissertation template. Each video covers a specific aspect of the template, and Word, in relation to creating the final document (whether thesis or dissertation). The videos can be found on the Thesis/Dissertation Writing webpage.

Forms and Deadlines

The essentials of the Thesis and Dissertation appoval process:

Step 01

Proposal Appoval Form

  • Have all committee members and department chair sign
  • Address any exceptions on the form
  • Acquire any copyright and the signature of the Copyright Officer if necessary

Feel free to contact the Copyright Officer at any time with any questions.

Step 02

Committee Change Form

  • Only necessary if your committee has changed
  • Must be turned in before the Right to Defend

At any time before your defense you can request an optional format check. However, you can only request it once!

Step 03

Right to Defend

  • Turn in at least 10 days before defense


After your Right to Defend is approved send an email to with the time, date, location, and any other relevant details about your defense. 

Step 04

Outcome of Defense

  • All committee members must sign this form
  • Turn in along with Final Desposit Checklist to begin Final deposits

Step 05

Final Deposit Checklist

  • Provide long-term contact information
  • Must be turned in to complete Final Deposit Process